The help file UPDATE.HLP contains important information about changes, fixes, and new programs included with this minor update. To view the help file, open a command prompt and change to your Wildcat! home directory. Windows 95 users should type the following command: START UPDATE.HLP Windows NT users should type the following command: WINHLP32 UPDATE.HLP A program called NEWUPROF has been include to update your USERPROF.DAT file to a new standard with this release, make sure you run it from your Wildcat! 5 home directory and follow the on screen prompts. Also included is a program called ADDPROMPTS which will add new prompts to your current prompt file, just run the program and follow the on screen instructions. You also may delete the following files from your Wildcat! home directory (normally C:\WC5) when the patch procedure has been completed successfully: *.RTP (the patch data files) PATCH.EXE (the "Patch" application)